Governing bodies

NERLEI has three governing bodies:


· Board of Directors

· Board of the General Assembly

· Supervisory Board

and a Business Council of Leiria Region

President: inCentea - Tecnologia de Gestão, SA

Represented by: António Miguel Batista Poças da Rosa


Vice-President: Instituto Politécnico de Leiria

Represented by: Carlos Manuel da Silva Rabadão


Vice-President: DRT - Moldes e Plásticos, Lda

Represented by: Sónia Manuela Fazendeiro Duarte Calado


Member: Respol - Resinas, SA

Represented by: Rui Pedro Lopes Brogueira


Member: Matcerâmica - Fabrico de Louça, SA

Represented by: Marcelo Franco de Sousa


Member: Labeto - Centro de Análises Bioquímicas, SA

Represented by: Maria João Godinho Tomaz


Member: PRF - Gás, Tecnologia e Construção, SA

Represented by: Paulo Rui Cunha Ferreira


Member: Telma Carreira Curado & Associados, SROC, Lda

Represented by: Telma Carreira Curado


Member: Schaeffler Portugal Unipessoal, Lda

Represented by: António Fernando Alves de Campos Ricciulli


Substitute Member: NIGEL - Congeladora José Nicolau, Lda

Represented by: Elsa Sofia Ferreira Nicolau


President: Vipex - Comércio e Indústria de Plásticos, SA

Represented by: 


Vice-president: Cefamol - Associação Nacional da Indústria de Moldes

Represented by: João Luís Ferreira Faustino


Secretary: Nov Automóveis, SGPS, SA

Represented by: Joaquim Paulo Cordeiro da Conceição


Substitute Secretary: Manulena - Fabricação de Ceras e Velas, Lda

Represented by: Pedro Manuel da Silva Custódio

President: Cautio – Serviços de Gestão, Lda

Represented by: Luís Alberto Malhó de Sousa


Vice-president: Lusiaves - Indústria e Comércio Agroalimentar, SA

Represented by: Avelino da Mota Gaspar Francisco


Member: Movicortes – Serviços e Gestão, SA

Represented by: Catarina Isabel Cunha Vieira


Substitute member: SOCEM ED – Fabricação, Engenharia e Desenvolvimento de Moldes, SA

Represented by: Luís Francisco Febra

The Business Council of Leiria Region (CERL) is an advisory body to the Directorate Board of NERLEI, composed of representatives from the most representative sectoral associations in the district, development associations, former Presidents of the Directorate Board and by various invited entities and personalities involved with the entrepreneurial, social and cultural activity of Leiria Region.